Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu. In enim justo, rhoncus ut, imperdiet a, venenatis vitae, justo. Nullam dictum felis eu pede mollis pretium. Integer tincidunt. Cras dapibus. Vivamus elementum semper nisi. Aenean vulputate eleifend tellus. Aenean leo ligula, porttitor eu, consequat vitae, eleifend ac, enim. Aliquam lorem ante, dapibus in, viverra quis, feugiat a, tellus. Phasellus viverra nulla ut metus varius laoreet. Quisque rutrum. Aenean imperdiet. Etiam ultricies nisi vel augue. Curabitur ullamcorper ultricies nisi. Nam eget dui. Etiam rhoncus. Maecenas tempus, tellus eget condimentum rhoncus, sem quam semper libero, sit amet adipiscing sem neque sed ipsum. Nam quam nunc, blandit vel, luctus pulvinar, hendrerit id, lorem. Maecenas nec odio et ante tincidunt tempus. Donec vitae sapien ut libero venenatis faucibus. Nullam quis ante. Etiam sit amet orci eget eros faucibus tincidunt. Duis leo. Sed fringilla mauris sit amet nibh. Donec sodales sagittis magna. Sed consequat, leo eget bibendum sodales, augue velit cursus nunc,
teste teste teste teste teste teste teste teste teste teste teste teste teste teste teste teste teste teste teste teste teste teste teste teste teste teste teste teste teste teste teste teste teste teste teste teste teste teste teste teste teste teste teste teste teste teste teste teste teste teste teste teste teste teste teste teste teste teste teste teste teste teste teste teste teste teste teste teste teste teste teste teste teste teste teste teste teste teste teste teste teste teste teste teste teste teste

Data/hora atual: Qua maio 08, 2024 3:42 am

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  • Tutoriais & Regras

    And I'm so damn scared Of dying without you But I've come prepared Resolve of my life to wear a funeral suit And don't lie Don't lie, Don't lie I know we're fixing to dieAnd don't tell me how Of smiling, pretending Won't show to the crowd And I'll go without Punish myself for not knowing about This lie, This lie This lie, That we're fixing to die Don't lie, Don't lie Don't lie, I know we're fixing to die

    1 Tópicos
    4 Mensagens
    Dom Jan 20, 2013 11:01 pm
    Arvalap Tutorial de Raças
  • Registros

    And I'm so damn scared Of dying without you But I've come prepared Resolve of my life to wear a funeral suit And don't lie Don't lie, Don't lie I know we're fixing to dieAnd don't tell me how Of smiling, pretending Won't show to the crowd And I'll go without Punish myself for not knowing about This lie, This lie This lie, That we're fixing to die Don't lie, Don't lie Don't lie, I know we're fixing to die

    0 Tópicos
    0 Mensagens
  • Trama & Eventos

    And I'm so damn scared Of dying without you But I've come prepared Resolve of my life to wear a funeral suit And don't lie Don't lie, Don't lie I know we're fixing to dieAnd don't tell me how Of smiling, pretending Won't show to the crowd And I'll go without Punish myself for not knowing about This lie, This lie This lie, That we're fixing to die Don't lie, Don't lie Don't lie, I know we're fixing to die

    0 Tópicos
    0 Mensagens
  • Volcandria

    Última mensagem
  • Informações

    And I'm so damn scared Of dying without you But I've come prepared Resolve of my life to wear a funeral suit And don't lie Don't lie, Don't lie I know we're fixing to dieAnd don't tell me how Of smiling, pretending Won't show to the crowd And I'll go without Punish myself for not knowing about This lie, This lie This lie, That we're fixing to die Don't lie, Don't lie Don't lie, I know we're fixing to die

    0 Tópicos
    0 Mensagens
  • Salas de Aula

    And I'm so damn scared Of dying without you But I've come prepared Resolve of my life to wear a funeral suit And don't lie Don't lie, Don't lie I know we're fixing to dieAnd don't tell me how Of smiling, pretending Won't show to the crowd And I'll go without Punish myself for not knowing about This lie, This lie This lie, That we're fixing to die Don't lie, Don't lie Don't lie, I know we're fixing to die

    0 Tópicos
    0 Mensagens
  • 3º Andar

    And I'm so damn scared Of dying without you But I've come prepared Resolve of my life to wear a funeral suit And don't lie Don't lie, Don't lie I know we're fixing to dieAnd don't tell me how Of smiling, pretending Won't show to the crowd And I'll go without Punish myself for not knowing about This lie, This lie This lie, That we're fixing to die Don't lie, Don't lie Don't lie, I know we're fixing to die

    0 Tópicos
    0 Mensagens
  • Ar Livre

    And I'm so damn scared Of dying without you But I've come prepared Resolve of my life to wear a funeral suit And don't lie Don't lie, Don't lie I know we're fixing to dieAnd don't tell me how Of smiling, pretending Won't show to the crowd And I'll go without Punish myself for not knowing about This lie, This lie This lie, That we're fixing to die Don't lie, Don't lie Don't lie, I know we're fixing to die

    0 Tópicos
    0 Mensagens
  • Lugares Afastados

    And I'm so damn scared Of dying without you But I've come prepared Resolve of my life to wear a funeral suit And don't lie Don't lie, Don't lie I know we're fixing to dieAnd don't tell me how Of smiling, pretending Won't show to the crowd And I'll go without Punish myself for not knowing about This lie, This lie This lie, That we're fixing to die Don't lie, Don't lie Don't lie, I know we're fixing to die

    0 Tópicos
    0 Mensagens
  • Outros Lugares

    And I'm so damn scared Of dying without you But I've come prepared Resolve of my life to wear a funeral suit And don't lie Don't lie, Don't lie I know we're fixing to dieAnd don't tell me how Of smiling, pretending Won't show to the crowd And I'll go without Punish myself for not knowing about This lie, This lie This lie, That we're fixing to die Don't lie, Don't lie Don't lie, I know we're fixing to die

    0 Tópicos
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  • Reino de Shadazir

    Última mensagem
  • Castelo

    And I'm so damn scared Of dying without you But I've come prepared Resolve of my life to wear a funeral suit And don't lie Don't lie, Don't lie I know we're fixing to dieAnd don't tell me how Of smiling, pretending Won't show to the crowd And I'll go without Punish myself for not knowing about This lie, This lie This lie, That we're fixing to die Don't lie, Don't lie Don't lie, I know we're fixing to die

    15 Tópicos
    15 Mensagens
    Qua Fev 04, 2015 5:56 pm
    Ayanna Borteler Sala de Armas
  • Centro

    And I'm so damn scared Of dying without you But I've come prepared Resolve of my life to wear a funeral suit And don't lie Don't lie, Don't lie I know we're fixing to dieAnd don't tell me how Of smiling, pretending Won't show to the crowd And I'll go without Punish myself for not knowing about This lie, This lie This lie, That we're fixing to die Don't lie, Don't lie Don't lie, I know we're fixing to die

    0 Tópicos
    0 Mensagens
  • Vila de Fiepto

    And I'm so damn scared Of dying without you But I've come prepared Resolve of my life to wear a funeral suit And don't lie Don't lie, Don't lie I know we're fixing to dieAnd don't tell me how Of smiling, pretending Won't show to the crowd And I'll go without Punish myself for not knowing about This lie, This lie This lie, That we're fixing to die Don't lie, Don't lie Don't lie, I know we're fixing to die

    0 Tópicos
    0 Mensagens
  • Cidade de Angwedh

    Consulado Élfico construído nos arredores do castelo de Shadazir há 278 anos atrás, marcando a data em que o tratado de paz foi assinado e uma poderosa Aliança se formou.

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  • Off-Topics

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  • Floods

    And I'm so damn scared Of dying without you But I've come prepared Resolve of my life to wear a funeral suit And don't lie Don't lie, Don't lie I know we're fixing to dieAnd don't tell me how Of smiling, pretending Won't show to the crowd And I'll go without Punish myself for not knowing about This lie, This lie This lie, That we're fixing to die Don't lie, Don't lie Don't lie, I know we're fixing to die

    2 Tópicos
    3 Mensagens
    Dom Ago 02, 2015 10:18 pm
    Arvalap testando o caralho
  • Parcerias

    And I'm so damn scared Of dying without you But I've come prepared Resolve of my life to wear a funeral suit And don't lie Don't lie, Don't lie I know we're fixing to dieAnd don't tell me how Of smiling, pretending Won't show to the crowd And I'll go without Punish myself for not knowing about This lie, This lie This lie, That we're fixing to die Don't lie, Don't lie Don't lie, I know we're fixing to die

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1 usuário online :: 0 registrados, 0 invisíveis e 1 visitante
O recorde de usuários online foi de 9 em Sáb Fev 25, 2012 3:02 pm

Usuários registrados : Nenhum

Os nossos membros postaram um total de 28 mensagens

Temos 3 usuários registrados

Esta skin foi criada por Nell de Valhalla is Our Kingdom. O efeito dos botões se dá graças a Katastrophexlove de Glintz.

Os sistemas são dados como uma versão adaptada do RPG brasileiro Defensores de Tóquio, propriedade da Editora Jambô, com algumas influências do famoso Dungeons and Dragons, propriedade da Wizards of the Coast.

Os responsáveis pelo resto do fórum em sua totalidade são os membros da staff; Hugo, fundador e diretor da trama e todo o processo criativo e Letícia, coordenadora dos gráficos e códigos, bem como a razão pela qual Volcandria não foi para a lixeira.

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